... always bespoke
audit and assessment
planning strategy
planning applications
planning statements
planning agent
policy representations
third party representations
lawful development certificates
environmental impact assessment project management
prior approval applications
planning appeals
Development types
new build
new build
This redevelopment was on the site of tired old industrial buildings in north London. It provides over 100 new homes, and modern employment space, and was commended for its low energy credentials.
strategic land
strategic land
Working with landowners, housebuilders and local authorities, we find sites that can accommodate the right type of housing in the right places, and then progress these through the planning process.
change of use
change of use
One of our more unusual change of use applications saw an education use being introduced to the middle of the Shard.
More typical would be the conversion of commercial buildings to residential and we utilise the 'prior approval' route wherever possible.
Extensions to buildings can go vertically as well as horizontally, as this serviced apartment block in Reading demonstrates
Whilst many alterations can be undertaken under Permitted Development Rights that do not require formal planning consent, often an application is needed, as is the case with this building that requires a new shopfront and the subdivision into apartments.